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Spirit Circle: Preparation for Teotihuacan

Spirit Circle: Preparation for Teotihuacan

6 gatherings: Sundays 3pm-5pm PST: 1/24, 2/7, 2/21, 3/14, 3/28, 4/11

Together we will gather in a circle to dream into the mysteries of Toltec Wisdom and the energies of Teotihuacan. Finding our intent, we will learn the basics of stalking our agreements and unraveling our domestication to find freedom. We are excited to hold you in this sacred container as you remember the Light you are made of.

The intent is to open and prepare you for a physical journey to the pyramids of Teotihuacan outside of Mexico City. We have a foundational “first-timer” Spirit Journey scheduled for April 28 - May 5, 2021 lead by Lee McCormick and Gini Gentry. This trip is designed for “Teo first-timers” and those wishing to get back to the foundations of stepping out of their story and experience the magic of the energetic realms of this ancient place. (There are a separate cost and registration for the Teotihuacan Journey which will be posted soon!)

Registering for the April journey is not a requirement to enroll in this program. Those called to dive into this work are welcome and your physical journey to Teotihuacan will manifest when it is time.

LOCATION: Held Remote via Zoom (links will be provided via email prior to our gatherings)

Recommended/Prerequisite reading: The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz ( Get it on Amazon)


COST: Pay as you can/donation; recommended $120 Payment
