Frequently Asked Questions


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How do I know which program is best for me?

Book a New Client Session first or a 60 min session if you have spoken with me. Prior to your first session (for coaching clients), you will receive a questionnaire to be filled out prior to your session. During your initial session we will review your form and discuss what you are hoping to accomplish; from there we can determine the best path and programs for you going forward.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energy healing which involves the “laying on” of hands over or on someone’s body. “Universal energy” (life force, Holy Spirit, Source, God, Allah, etc) is channeled through the Reiki practitioner to the client to move energy and release blockages, create better energy circulation, cleanse and balance energy chakras.

What happens during a Reiki session?

Prior to the session, the practitioner will prepare the space by cleansing (usually with sage smudge), connecting with the divine, clearing themselves to be fully present. In some cases, they will prepare a crystal grid or be guided to select crystal to be used in the session.

In Person: You will lay on the Reiki table, fully clothed. You may lay face up or face down, whatever feels most comfortable for you. The practitioner will begin each session asking if you have a specific intent for the session and asking if there are any areas of your body you do not want touched. Ignite the Light, LLC requires Reiki practitioners to “hoover over” genital areas and will use this “hoover over” technique on any other areas of the your body per the your direction.  The practitioner will usually begin with an energy scan of your full body and chakras. You may be asked questions throughout the process as the practitioner assesses and works.  After about 45 minutes, the practitioner will wrap up the session, explaining what was found and going through self-care practices for after the session is complete. Most clients will need several Reiki healing sessions to balance and clear, especially if you have not engaged in energy balancing practices before and depending on the amount and depth of trauma clearing needed. Regular chakra balancing is recommended.

Remote: Lay down in a quiet, comfortable room where you will have no distractions. Set your phone up on speaker and place it near you. At the beginning of the session, you and your Reiki practitioner will discuss any needs or concerns you have. The Reiki practitioner will begin with an energy scan and channel energy and information sending it to areas of your body requiring healing, just as if you were in person. After about 45 minutes, the practitioner will wrap up the session, explaining what was found and going through self-care practices for after the session is complete. Most clients will need several Reiki healing sessions to balance and clear, especially if you have not engaged in energy balancing practices before and depending on the amount and depth of trauma clearing needed. Regular chakra balancing is recommended.

How should I prepare for a Reiki or Shamanic work session?

Please wear comfortable clothes and remove all jewelry before your session.  Come with willingness to receive healing!  If this is your first Reiki session, please read the applicable FAQ: What to expect during a Reiki Session.

What is Shamanic Breathwork?

Shamanic Breathwork is an energy healing method that combines rapid, patterned breath with specifically chosen vibrational music and/or drumming and rattles.  The client lays on the floor practicing the breathing technique while the practitioner performs energy moving tools, like Reiki. The objective is to turn the mind off and allow the body to heal itself. This can be extreme release work and should only be done with someone experienced in this method and never done alone.

Do you have discounted pricing available?

Discounts are included in package pricing and are listed on the Pricing & Services page.

Equal energy exchange is also possible.

For special circumstances, please contact me directly to see if work exchange is available.

During COVID-19 offering sliding scale on 60 minute intuitive coaching. Use coupon codes:

SLIDE30 - $30 per session

SLIDE60 - $60 per session

SLIDE90 - $90 per session

What forms of payment do you accept?

Venmo (@Ignite-the-Light, Paypal, Cash, Mastercard, Visa, American Express

Do you make charitable donations?

If interested in a gift certificate for auction baskets or donation of Reiki services, please fill out the inquiry form on the Charitable Donations page.

What is Energy work?

Energy work is a genre of healing modalities that includes shamanic journeywork, shamanic breathwork, Reiki, mindfulness practices, yoga, even acupuncture is considered energy work! The intent is to clear your energy body of areas of stagnation. Think “knots” like you get knots in your muscles; you also get blockages, areas of knots, excess energy pooling in specific areas.  Energy disruptions can be caused from current or past trauma (physical, emotional, even past life and ancestral trauma). Energy work helps balance your chakras and clear the problems so your energy can circulate more smoothly, leaving you feeling more balanced, grounded and healthy.  Unbalanced energy over time can lead to dis-ease and manifest in real, physical ailments. 

How will I feel after Reiki or Shamanic Healing / Breathwork?

Most people feel a sense of release and relaxation after Reiki.  Energy work can unlock past memories as well as other areas of healing. This can bring up repressed emotions so some will feel the need to cry, laugh, scream, dance it out, etc. This is normal.

With Shamanic breathwork, you will likely feel exhausted and slightly euphoric. Sleep, fruit (like pineapple and grapes), dark chocolate is helpful for grounding. You released A LOT and will need time to process. It is not uncommon to be making connections and processing for weeks after breathwork.

With both Reiki and Shamanic work, it is important to have quiet, restful time immediately after the session. Racing back to work or to a conference call is not recommended.  We also recommend refraining from alcohol and non-prescribed drugs for 24-48 hours post session to get the most benefit. Drink lots of water, herbal teas. Fermented foods are great as is kombucha (be mindful of the caffeine intake).  Epsom salt baths are another great self-care tool.

As we heal and clear one layer, we can see the next layer. Be aware of this and gentle with yourself. You may find that the things that normally trigger you, no longer do; and new triggers may be revealed. 

With commitment and time, you may also have more intense dreams or moments of “knowing” and messages. As you clear and heal yourself, there is more room for Divine connection and emergence of clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, channeling, and other “psychic phenomena’. This is normal and nothing to get stressed about!

What do you recommend after a Reiki or Shamanic session?

After any type of energy work, allow yourself to remain in this cleared state as long as possible by being gentle with yourself. Many clients like to rest, journal, bath with Epsom salt or essential oils.  Drink lots of water.

What is a Shamanic Journey?

The practitioner will use music, rattle, drums and guided meditation to journey you to a different realm and put you into a trance-like state. While journeying, you can hear and communicate with the practitioner if you desire. In some cases, you may meet a spirit animal, ancestor, guide, or angels to access information and help in your healing process.

What are Ascension symptoms or what is Ascension Flu?

The reason we stress self-care when doing deep, healing energy and spiritual work is because your body and mind need time to catch up and integrate! As you clear trauma, reconnect to your Divine core, and learn new methods of energy healing (attunement), you can have symptoms in your physical body. You may experience no symptoms at all or come down with the flu.  (I experienced a fever-less flu with a nasty cough after my Reiki Master attunement and spent a night vomiting half-way through my apprenticeship as I was processing some new big ideas and energy upgrades…. Literally I was vomiting out my trauma!)  Symptoms could include: exhaustion or drowsiness, headache, body aches, cough, stomach/digestions issues.  Mild symptoms are fairly common; extreme symptoms are rare and usually only occur when doing major clearing and energy upgrades. If you do have symptoms, they will clear on their own over a course of a few days. So rest up and take care of yourself! And remember, just because you think it is “ascension flu” does not mean it is not real. Seek medical attention if necessary.