Are you Honoring your inner Goddess?

My work involves a lot of balancing….. balancing my work life, my life as a mom, and my social life; literally balancing people’s energy and chakras, and balancing “go” with “rest”. I am not alone in this balancing act. Most clients I work with feel pressure, stress, anxiety around “getting it all” done. 

We just passed my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. Many people pause to reflect on the things, people, events they are grateful for. I love this practice and it’s why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  I also know many people out there who ran around in the rain with last-minute trips to the grocery store and spending days cooking because thirty relatives were coming over. Hear me – there is nothing wrong with this!

My question is, are you in balance? That linear, goal-oriented, “get it checked off the list” energy is fantastic energy.  It is our Warrior; our masculine energy. (Yes, everyone has masculine and feminine energy and it has nothing to do with gender). Masculine energy is about moving forward with focus, being in action.  I am very familiar with this energy because it is the foundation of American culture and it is how I lived most of my life until I crashed...hard.

Over-use of Warrior energy has its costs... Burn out, stress, anxiety, feeling of restriction. It’s Sun energy. Have you ever spent too much time in the sun and gotten sun sickness? That’s what I am talking about.  And despite the holiday rush, it is the perfect time of year to balance that out with your inner Goddess. 

Goddess/feminine energy rules the dark, hibernation, rest, self-care, creativity, new beginnings and receiving/sharing love. Everything new starts in darkness. Stars and galaxies birth from black holes. Babies gestate nine months in a dark womb before birth. Seeds are buried in the dark earth building energy to sprout when the sun returns. The darkness is just as important as the light. Are you in balance? Or have you been afraid of the dark?

For this holiday season, while the days are short and the dark is longer than the light, give yourself a gift. Just check-in and see if you are honoring your inner Goddess. Are you saying “yes” to parties, activities, charitable events because you feel like you have to or because you want to let inner Goddess shine by luxuriating in dressing up, makeup, dancing your feet off?!? What about those gifts? Are they coming from that loving, dark, creative heart part of you or are you buying the biggest, most expensive items because you feel guilty about something or want your gift recipient to love you enough? 

Stop, breath and check your intent on each decision you make this holiday season. And make sure you are spending as much time with your Goddess self as you are on/with others. There is no right or wrong here. You are amazing and beautiful. You deserve the gift of self-nurturing and self-care to allow whatever ideas and creations are inside you gestate this Winter, so they are ready to make their appearance in Spring.

My favorite “Goddess energy” supporting activities for the holidays:

  1. Hot baths with Epsom salt and/essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus (especially if you are feeling under the weather), peppermint, frankincense

  2. Cooking with love and creativity and some good friends. (Not because you are hosting a party!). This weekend I will get pre-made sugar cookie dough and my daughter and I will spend time laughing and decorating the silliest cookies we can imagine.

  3. Anything creative. Making paper snowflakes is great fun..with or without kids! And let go of your “monster” and don’t worry about the scraps of paper and the mess. Have fun!

  4. Make a cup of peppermint hot chocolate and curl up with a good book…. A book that is not about studying or learning, but for pure joy and bliss. (I am a sucker for romance novels!)

  5. Christmas karaoke! Blast the tunes in your house and go for it. Who cares if you sound good! Dance around and have a blast!

  6. And if any of these feels “too much”, start small. Light a fragrant candle and take a few minutes to smell and enjoy it, put on your favorite hot red lipstick even if you aren’t leaving the house, or spritz yourself with some lavender spray and take three deep breaths. Notice how your body feels after just a couple of minutes spent in Goddess energy!

Many Blessings!


Walk with Coyote

Walk with Coyote