Raven Mystery....the Judge and Victim voices that try and pull you from your path!

Raven Mystery....the Judge and Victim voices that try and pull you from your path!

Toltec Mastery of Awareness and Raven Mystery

In the Toltec world, we talk about Agreements. What is the intent behind the word when used in Toltec transformational journeys? Imagine you are a loving ball of light; your only purpose to shine love. And then someone comes along, perhaps a parent or teacher or even cultural standards conveyed through a magazine article, that tells you that it is “wrong” to shine this way.  You must only shine at certain times and with certain people. The rays must have a certain shape and color to be appropriate. And each rule or standard you follow becomes an agreement you make with yourself. It also becomes a dark thread of rope weaving around your ball of light, diming you just a little more with each new agreement.

The process of building these agreements is called domestication. Not only do we become domesticated in this lifetime, but we carry agreements from past lives and gender and cultural lineage.  We spend so much energy trying to follow all these agreements that we barely have anything left for love and creation. These ties bind so tightly we cannot see or hear ourselves and we lose our connection to the Divine, instead mistaking these rules we must follow as evidence of how “good” we are.

And when we do not follow these agreements perfectly? Our Judge and Victim start yelling at us! You know, the ones that over rationalize, tell you how much you suck, blame everything on everyone else, tell you what and who is right and wrong….  They keep you in your past or they throw you into worry about the future.  They are part of our Ego and because our light is hidden, everything is scary! So our Ego tells us we are wrong or bad if we do not follow all these rules we created for our self!

This brings me to my story with the Raven. Ravens are magical creatures. Being winged creatures, they are associated with Air; and air rules the mind and logical thinking, so it is not surprising that Ravens are highly intelligent. They are also as acrobatic as hawks and will stalk and attack their prey. Ravens can also be really loud!!! When a Raven wants your attention, it will keep cawing until you hear him.

The first step on the Toltec Path is Mastery of Awareness – becoming aware of our agreements and where we have been domesticated. This process involves witnessing each time we are triggered by someone else’s words or actions, understanding they are a mirror.  They are a reflection showing us where our work is. (YAY! Okay, maybe not so exciting at first, but believe me you will get to a point where you truly feel excitement when more work is revealed to you.)

As you work through this process of witnessing yourself, your Judge and Victim become very animated. They want to throw you off track and stop you from stalking yourself!

Breathe, sweetheart.

This is where the Raven is a helpful reminder. Recognize the chatter from your Judge and Victim, come back to yourself. Come back to the present. Commit to the NOW. And witness the squawking of our mind and all its voices.  Tell your Judge and Victim that you love them, thank them for trying to protect you and then tell them it is okay. And then dive into the mystery.  Allow yourself to enter the Void and walk through the dark, the fear. You got this! Walk through the fear to freedom.

The first year I did this work with targeted intention, the Raven showed up everywhere. He came to point out when I was letting my Judge and Victim voices pull me off my path. He cawed when I got stuck in my head/Ego space. And reminded my of my intent to become a Master of Awareness. He reminded me to keep walking through those dark places…that I could fly free on the other side.

So next time a Raven caws, stop and pay attention to what was going on in your head. And use that Raven chatter as a way to remember to love yourself gently and just as (and where) you are.  Keep stalking. Keep raising your awareness. Freedom and Love are there within you.

Much light and love to you and many blessings for your journey.

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